Front-End Developer

Viktoriia Volkogon

A bona fide graduate of the National Aviation University. My name is Viktoriia, and I’m engineer. I am looking for a job in the IT field. As for me, the choice of future career is a real challenge for me. I really like IT sfere becous is very intresting. I have excellent skills in making presentations and speaking at conferences. I am ready to develop in this field and learn new things.


  1. ................ [ HTML5, CSS3 ]
  2. .......... [ JavaScript ]
  3. .............. [ React.js, Node.js ]

Work experience

Front-End Developer Freelance

November 2022 - up to now |Country

  • I participate in the development of web applications and interfaces.
  • I perform the tasks of development, testing and optimization of the code.
  • I study and apply modern technologies and frameworks in my work.
  • Working with a team of developers and other specialists.

HR Marketing Specialist в DataArt Banderogusak & Co.

March 2015 - October 2022 |Country

  • As a QA Test Engineer I reorganized quality assurance process in Email Marketing team, taught developers a number of testing approaches.
  • Using Oracle PL/SQL, I developed a tool for data preparation activities. It helped to copy different levels of data (rows from different group of tables, slices of data) between Oracle databases, kept history of tasks, logs, analyzed results, provided email reports.
  • I provided estimation system which is still in use by the whole division.

Manager of Recruitment в Innovecs BestUA Corp.

June 2014 - February 2015 |Country

  • I found personnel for the company, was responsible for hiring planning, created a personnel reserve.
  • Created a system of employee motivation.
  • I was responsible for the organization of trainings and educational seminars for employees.


National Aviation University


September 2007 - February 2013 |Country